We hope you all are doing well and are excited for summer. This year is seemingly flying by, and we are experiencing a lot of exciting growth at Megan Varga Group. We have welcomed 2 new team members, Anna Andrews (Agent) and Natalie Alvarez (Operations Manager) and said goodbye to Shea Sasan as he has relocated up to Washington state to be closer to family. We are grateful for his 6 1/2 years of dedication to our clients and the team! The team remains committed to delivering a first class experience to our clients.
I was excited to run in the OC 1/2 Marathon on May 5th for the 3rd time. This remains my favorite race I've run because of the beautiful course through my "home turf". We are truly so blessed to live here. I'm looking forward to my family's annual trip to Martha's Vineyard in July. My kids will both start new schools in the fall- Audrey (5) will begin Kindergarten and Gage (3) will start preschool. I would love to hear what is new with you and yours so please do stay in touch!
You can follow all the latest team news on Instagram at @meganvargagroupcompass. Hope to see you around town this summer!